Tom and Marijke look back with a grateful feeling at the past ten years they lived in De Grooff house. A property full of authentic elements, where architect and master builder Théophile De Grooff left his mark with a wink.

Tom says: 'Ceiling paintings, authentic joinery, hundred and fifty-year-old sayings on the walls... Everything speaks to it, each corner tells its own story in that way.'

House De Grooff is a property that exudes history. The building endured two world wars, housed several families and since Tom and Marijke underwent an extensive renovation.

The owners renovated the entire property in collaboration with architects from CO.STUDIO. This was done with respect for the property's history, but taking into account current standards. Especially the older part, consisting of all authentic elements, they kept intact as much as possible. 

When Tom and Marijke bought 'House De Grooff', there was also a less cherished and rather characterless part in the property. It turned out to be the solution for a live-work combination. This part, which currently houses a practice space, they tackled thoroughly during the renovation. The lack of old elements there allowed them to completely strip it from the basement to the ridge.

When asked what their favourite room in De Grooff house is, Marijke answers with great conviction the 'Angel Room'. In De Grooff's time, people painted the ceiling in this room as a sign of wealth.

Tom partly follows Marijke in her choice, as he considers the Angel Room the ideal space for an afternoon nap. But for moments of contemplation, you would always find him in the 'Little Card Room'.

Curious about this renovated property brimming with character and history? 

Immodôme is proud to share that we are exclusively offering this extraordinary property.

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